CCCT Article w/ Political Discourse and Debate at the bottom. Above is a wonderful article by Howard Karsh which originated in the discussion below.
Del Mar regent Garcia resigns
By Israel Saenz (Contact)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
CORPUS CHRISTI — Del Mar College regents will begin researching options to fill Linda Garcia’s District 1 seat, officials said.
Garcia resigned from the post Wednesday, board president Chris Adler said.
Adler said Garcia stated in her resignation letter, dated Wednesday, that she is pursuing a career opportunity outside Corpus Christi that forces her to resign the seat. Garcia was unavailable for comment Wednesday.
“It’s something the board will have to meet about and plan what we are to do,” Adler said.
District Attorney Carlos Valdez last week filed a lawsuit against Garcia seeking her removal from the board. The suit said Garcia did not meet residency requirements to run for the seat and that her application for candidacy contained false information.
Garcia’s attorney, Robert J. Heil, said Wednesday he would fight the lawsuit if it continues.
A judge also could order, if Garcia is found guilty, that she be fined or pay court fees. Valdez did not return phone calls late Wednesday seeking comment.
A phone number listed for Garcia on the board’s Web page last week has been disconnected.
Garcia, a substitute teacher, defeated former board president and local business owner Gabriel Rivas in November. Rivas in January submitted Garcia’s application to run for the seat, as well as a previous statement of residency, to Valdez’s office, which spurred the investigation.
Applicants must have lived in the district they wish to represent for at least six months prior to the filing deadline to be eligible for the spot. Garcia filed for candidacy under a District 1 address on the Aug. 29, 2006, deadline; her statement of residency, dated March 3, 2006, lists a Kingsville address.
Regents bylaws state a regent vacancy must be filled by appointment after the board has informed the public of the opening. Bylaws do not specify how long the board has to notify the public or fill the seat.
Rivas said Wednesday he would consider seeking the seat again.
Contact Israel Saenz at
886-3767 or saenzi@caller.com
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 5:21 a.m. (Suggest removal)
This is not the law the under which the Regents are elected.
The only law that the DMC Regents have ever been elected under is the one below. Why the change now?
h). A candidate for trustee must be a resident[0] of the trustee district the candidate seeks to represent. A trustee other than a trustee serving in accordance with Subsection (g) of this section vacates the office if he or she ceases to reside in the trustee district he or she represents.
§ 31.001. CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER. (a) The secretary of
state is the chief election officer of the state."
Counsel for Del Mar College requested an informal opinion thorn the Texas Secretary of State regarding this matter and received an e-mailed response. "The Secretary of State declared that “There is no direct conflict between the provisions of the Education Code regarding candidate requirements And the Election Code provisions for candidate requirements. Therefore, these provisions should both be read as applicable to the election of a community college district trustee.”
And if there is a conflict the Education Code reads that it "supersedes a conflicting statute outside the Education Code".
The Election code reads
"This code[0] supersedes a conflicting[0] statute outside this
code[0] unless this code[0] or the outside statute expressly provides otherwise."
The Election Code also reads
following authority shall order an election:
(1) the county judge, for the general election for
officers of the county government;
(2) the mayor, for the general election for city
officers in a city with a population of 1.9 million or more; and
(3) the governing body of a political subdivision,
other than a county or a city described by Subdivision (2), that has
elective offices, for the general election for those officers.
(b) If a law providing for an election relating to the
affairs of a political subdivision does not designate the authority
responsible for ordering the election, the governing body of the
political subdivision shall order the election.
This also demonstrates the controlling code to be within the duties & powers of the Education code
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 5:22 a.m. (Suggest removal)
And now, they want to go back and refer to the Education Code (Board By Laws) as controlling the appointment?
"Board bylaws state that if there is a regent vacancy, the seat is to be filled by appointment."
If the election code controlled to elect then it should control the appointment as well.
Now after all of that I bet not one of you will say one word about this:
and if that isnt enough, here is some more of the rotten
And there is a whole lot more.
Posted by intheknow on August 2, 2007 at 6:54 a.m. (Suggest removal)
If she did nothing wrong then why did she resign? If what you say is true and maybe it is, she should have fought. But it looks funny how she disconnects her phone and did not talk to the press. She just runs away? That is not what a "leader" would do. As far a gabe, he was voted out by the people and should not be picked to fill her spot again. He lost! Move on.
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 7:48 a.m. (Suggest removal)
Have you ever been involved in Litigation?
We wanted her to fight and we supported her but her attorney wouldnt answer her calls, documents that were in her file began disappearing and she has received death threats and packages have been left on her doorstep. Linda is staying with a friend and she does not feel safe. Her brother's plight began with a student making a complaint from an incident in the offices of the Criminal Justice department at Del Mar during which an employee of Del Mar verbally abused three Hispanic students. Over the following months, that relatively minor incident mushroomed into a web of perjury, forgery, attempted capital murder, and gross violations of procedural due process. In their efforts to cover up a single violation of the civil rights of three students, the defendants began a long series of illegal actions that have caused unconscionable harm to two individuals who did nothing to harm Del Mar and who merely exercised their constitutional rights.
She has rarely talked to mainstream media.
A leader in Carlos Valdez? He did not answer the phone or talk to the press. Is he running away.
Gabe lost and I agree he should not return unless he is elected.
Move on yes, but we cannot allow the inconsistent application of standard / law.
In example I submit the City Council position Brent Chesney held while living in Dallas. He was asked to step down and the board was asked to take action as well as requests made to the DA asking for appropriate action to be taken.
Now, there is a blatant example.
Why Linda and why not Brent?
Posted by dannoynted1 on August 2, 2007 at 7:57 a.m. (Suggest removal)
Because he is special.
Posted by dannoynted1 on August 2, 2007 at 8:01 a.m. (Suggest removal)
Puppets and those who pull their strings reported above in black and white....and read all over!
Reported here first on caller.com.....I bet you erase me.
Posted by curtis on August 2, 2007 at 9 a.m. (Suggest removal)
Gabe was Cheated, not Unseated. If I play chess against someone who cheats and "wins," does he really win? In my opinion, no.
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. (Suggest removal)
Cheating is when the rules get changed after check mate.
But, nothing I say will change your mind.
Gabe got whooped not by Linda but by the constituents of District 1.
That is a mandate for him to vacate.
He is unseated and yes he was defeated.
How do you cheat in a chess game?
Posted by clbcode on August 2, 2007 at 11:36 a.m. (Suggest removal)
The DA was after Ms. Linda.
No wonder she is running. The DA usually knows what he's doing.
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 12:43 p.m. (Suggest removal)
This DA (and it has taken a lot for me to come to this conclusion), the DA has ulterior motives for the selectivity of who he chooses to enforce the law, and to justify, defend or ignore.
Why Linda?
Why not Brent Chesney?
And we all know why Carlos went after Linda.
Why did he not go after Chesney?
He is no different than Craddick.
When it gets like that it is time to go on the book circuit.
Both the DA and the Judge.
Linda might be gone but we figure we might as well hang around with our roach spray for a bit.
"The DA usually knows what he's doing"
Well ask him why he can find time to prosecute linda but he doesnt have the time to file a reply brief.
Ask him why he would rather Confess Error than do his JOB?
Posted by curtis on August 2, 2007 at 2:29 p.m. (Suggest removal)
KingAlonzo, moving pieces around when it's not your turn and without your opponent's knowledge is a way to cheat at chess. It's very similar to what Linda did. Yes, Linda received the most votes but she was ineligible to run, she cheated. If she followed the rules, then would she have won? Nope.
Posted by caloriewatcher on August 2, 2007 at 3:56 p.m. (Suggest removal)
Seems like this should have been checked before she was even allowed to run for the position.
Posted by hkarsh on August 2, 2007 at 7:52 p.m. (Suggest removal)
I was a candidate for the Del Mar Board of Regents. I picked up the package to run for office. I am College Educated. I have several degrees. I'm pretty good at reading and writing contracts and such. I'm not a lawyer and believe me I could have used a lawyer to explain all the stuff I was responsible for and had to do. Del Mar wasn't going to explain it to me and the local party bosses wouldn’t have anything to do with me. Del Mar certainly wasn't going to help Linda whose brother they had railroaded out of a job. Now Linda was the first person in a Corpus Christi Public Housing development to successfully run for a public office and her neighbors were very proud of her. So here we have a person who picked herself up by her bootstraps with out the aid of the local democratic or republican bosses and won her election. So what do the local politicos do and that includes our slimy DA, they go after her and shoot her down. Got to keep those lower classes out of local politics or who knows what might happen. Just for those of you who do not know, she wasn't welcomed by the Board either. I have no doubt from my many years of experience with Del Mar College if Linda had been a Regent the College wanted the DA would never have brought charges as much as people like me would have screamed for it. Adler and her cronies were looking for any excuse to get Linda out that they could dig up. Now Gabe Rivas who was voted out of office by the community he was supposed to have served because he mostly served himself and the corrupt DMC administration, wants his job back. We are looking at a long term appointment here. I hope this community puts the College on notice that another election is called for here.
Posted by dvillarreal1981 on August 2, 2007 at 8:09 p.m. (Suggest removal)
There's no way people should support Gabe Rivas now. He needs to go just as much as she does.
Posted by kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 on August 2, 2007 at 9:41 p.m. (Suggest removal)
Good input Howard.
And very accurate.
As far as Linda and needing to go, she is gone.
We need to call an election for this position and we might as well recall the whole damn board and the DA as well.
And for you Curtis,
Still the same hater as always I see.
Enjoy it Curtis, eat it up,
Bon Appétit
August 2, 2007